Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Murabahah Revolving Financing Facility: Major Features and Criteria - Ethiopian Case

Major Features of Murabahah Revolving Financing

Murabahah Revolving Financing facility is a short term financing facility by which the customer may use the financing for the purchase of merchandise, raw materials, consumables, etc to overcome the applicant's working capital constraint. Murabahah Revolving Financing Facility is similar with Murabahah Term Financing, but in case of the former limit is set and it has a revolving nature.

Major Features of Murabahah Revolving Financing

Maximum Period
Murabahah Revolving Financing Facility shall be availed for a maximum period of one year and reviewed every year unless the Bank demands it to be reviewed in less than this period by the Financing Approval Team for any remedial action when the performance of the account is deteriorating. The financing officer shall strictly follow the general financing processing stages of Murabahah.

While selling, the Bank debits the facility with the agreed selling price until it reaches the facility limit. The purchase price is directly paid to the suppliers. On the other hand, the customer credits the sales proceeds into the account periodically.

Renewal of the Contract
The customer or his/her legal agent must submit renewal request one month prior to the expiry date, and the concerned manager should advice the customer accordingly.

Accrued Profit
Daily accrued profit rate of the facility shall be recognized at the end of each month.

Specific Eligibility Criteria for Murabahah Revolving Financing

Fresh Murabahah Revolving Financing Request
A fresh Murabahah Revolving Financing Facility may be extended to an applicant who has established at least a one-year banking relationship with the bank as a trade partner/debtor/borrower or depositor. However, depending on bank's procedure and the nature and type of business, the bank may entertain customers with less than one year relationship and/or no relationship with the bank at all.

Financial Statements
All Banks require customers applying for financing at least to present provisional financial statements.

Multiple Murabahah Revolving Financing Facility and Collateral
Many banks in the country encourage customers to have a single Murabahah Revolving Financing Facility in one bank for the purpose of evaluating proper utilization.

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