Tuesday, April 23, 2019

General Requirements for Murabahah Term Financing by IFB Providers in Ethiopia

Interest Free/Islamic Banking-Ethiopia

Murabahah Term Financing is a financing granted for working capital and/or for acquisition of fixed business assets to be  repaid within a specific period of time with  profit. The financing is repaid in a lump sum  on maturity, or in periodic installments (i.e.  monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or  annually), depending on the nature of the  business and its cash flow. 

The Bank  extends Short-Term Murabahah Financing,  Medium-Term Murabahah Financing and  Long-Term Murabahah Financing. Depending on the nature and cash flow of the business, the Bank may provide a maximum grace period of three months for  short-term Murabahah financings, two years  for medium term Murabahah financings,  and three years for long-term Murabahah  financings. Grace period is a period during  which the trade partner is relieved from  principal and/or profit margin/markup  repayments.

Types and Unique Features of Murabahah Term Financing          

Short-Term Financing
Is a loan extended  by the Bank to financing the working capital  needs and/or to address other short-term  financial constraints of the trade partner's  business. Short-Term Financing could be  granted up to a maximum of three years.

Medium-Term Financing
Is a financing  which has a maturity period longer than  three years, but not exceeding a maximum  period of seven years, with periodic  installments.
The Bank may extend Medium for  projects/businesses whose nature justify, or  require, such periods of time for  implementation and repayment of the  financing.
This kind of Financing are  intended for the financing of the acquisition  of fixed business assets (leased land,  buildings, machinery, equipment, public  transport vehicles, trucks and trailers, etc

Long-Term Financing,
on the other  hand, is a financing which has a maturity  period longer than seven years but not  exceeding a maximum period of 15 years,  with periodic installments.
This kind of Financing may extended for  projects/businesses whose nature justify, or  require, such periods of time for  implementation and repayment of the  financing.
This kind of Financing are  intended for the financing of the acquisition  of fixed business assets (leased land,  buildings, machinery, equipment, public  transport vehicles, trucks and trailers, etc

Murabahah Financing Eligibility Criteria

Murabahah Financing
Eligibility Criteria
  • The applicant(s) for short term  Murabahah Financing shall present business  plan, cash flow statements and other  supporting documents which justify the  existence of readily available market and the repayment capacity of the business at  least for the financing period.
  • The applicant for a Medium- or a  Long-Term Murabahah Financing must be  able to submit a detailed study of the  capital investment or a business plan made  by authorized professionals, which justify  the existence of readily available market  and the repayment capacity of the business  at least for the financing period.
  • The applicant(s) shall present a  pro-forma invoice from known suppliers,  and
  • The applicant(s) may present acceptable  collateral to secure the financing.

Types of Murabaha Mode of Financing:
1. Murabahah Term Financing,
2. Murabahah Revolving financing facility,
3. Murabahah Import Letter of Credit Facility,
4. Murabahah Pre-shipment Export,
5. Murabahah Post-shipment Export Facilities, and
6. Murabahah Import Letter of Credit Settlement facilities

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